My name is Kelli Royse. Like Rolls Royce only with an (s) instead of a (c). That slight variation in spelling is probably why I have no car and have to commute from Sacramento using bicycle and Amtrak.I am a 3rd year transfer student from El Paso, Texas. No, not the cowboy part of Texas, no not the George Bush part, or the South by Southwest part either. El Paso is a unique part of Texas that boarders the Mexican city of Ciudad Jaurez, and southern New Mexico. Because this area consists of a mixture of three different cultures, most of the design is done so as to cater to all three. Rustic and Mexican, or Spanish colonial, or American Indian are all represented in everything from clothing to architecture.
I myself am fascinated with all aspects of design and the history behind them. I have studied everything from Veterinary medicine to Acting for Film in search for the major that fits my interests, talents, and passions. Along the way I have come to believe that no learning is ever a waste of time. Now that I have arrived at a great institution with an amazing program where I have the resources to really explore my field in dept, I hope to apply knowledge from all areas I have studied to develop my unique voice in the field of industrial design.